I'm excited about moving forward with freelance writing and brand consulting--don't worry, Assemble is still first and foremost in my heart--but it will give me a chance to help other creative businesses with their branding and business planning. Speaking of, I'm going to be teaching an online class on Skillshare, sponsored by Go Mighty, starting on May 1st. I hope you'll join me if you are looking for a good, positive environment in which to receive a loving kick in the pants to start up that business you've been wanting! One student will win a free business consultation and plan review from me!
Keep watch here and on AndiePowers.com for more info, coming soon. Oh, and ps., I also have a new personal twitter, where I will be mostly talking about things like how much cake I ate that day, new classes I'm teaching and articles I write about television. Please follow me at @andiegwpowers. Love you guys!