Last night,
Assemble hosted a "kit assembly party" and lots of wonderful friends came out to support us by helping to put together our long-awaited kits. They're almost here, guys!! Sustained with wine, pizza and Halloween candy, it was a fun-filled four hours of taping, cutting, winding of yarn, tubing of needle-felting needles, sewing of crochet hook pouches, the whole nine yards. We're getting so close to showing you pictures of the actual kits, but in the meantime, check out some of our fun below.

Little wooden yarn spools for the crochet kit!

Tiny test tubes full of needle-felting goodness!

Amy Bengtson and Chika Eustace of Velouria Boutique helping out!

mmmm. pizza.

"Cut & sew me, please!" -felt.
Special, special thanks to:
Chika and Cat of
Velouria Boutique in Ballard
Amy Bengtson of
Amy Bengtson Jewelry
France Wisniewski of
Bananafish Studios
and Christian Powers,
husband/teacher/musician extraordinaire.
Kits coming so soon!!