I wonder, "How do people fit in all of those other things, like putting on lipstick and coordinating outfits and Instagramming the leaves blowing in the wind?" As you can see from my chart, time to shower is minimal, and tea with neighbors wouldn't even make my monthly list! If you count it all up, I actually put more than 24 hours of activities into my day, but that's because things like watching TV are also (admittedly) times spent with Henry and/or playing on the web.
My Homework: Dispel the myth that all of those other girls have more than 24 hours in a day. How? Here is the chart I concocted based on how I perceive those girls to spend their day. I'm pretty embarrassed to admit I actually think people live like this--a completely balanced life of friends and work and plenty of sleep.

So, if we perceive each other as 24-hour super managers, then we may also realize that we all work pretty hard to get things done, while supplementing with fun projects and activities that might not further our status as Woman of the Year. And that: is just fine.
What does your day look like? Is there something you should change for productivity's sake? Or, should you do the opposite, and take on an hour or two to relax for self preservation?