I've said it before and I'll say it again, every time Fall comes around, I just want to overdose on Mac & Cheese and read everything in sight, and Emily's treat of choice is the caramel apple.
I started making this collage of beautiful Fall finds as my way to celebrate the season (nerd!) but thought I would offer it up as a piece of Monday enjoyment for you as well. What things do you love in the Fall? We would love to hear your book recommendations as well. Back to school!

1. I loved this book. The Family Fang is about two conceptual performance artists and their kids. The kids are forced to take part in the art "works" throughout their life and the story centers around their view of reality due to their unusual childhood. I loved it, and it's a very quick read. Perfect for in front of the fireplace.
2. Beecher's Mac & Cheese, a local favorite in Pike Place Market is to die for. The best part about them, however, is that they have created a line of oven-friendly (or microwavable) frozen, packed mac & cheeses that are probably in your local high-end food market! I swear by the fact that it tastes exactly the same as the original, but my mom still makes me drive her over there to the market every time she's in town. :)
3. House Wine from the Charles Smith Winery is another local favorite. You can grab a bottle for about $7-8 at anywhere from Safeway to Whole Foods. I'm not sure about the distribution, but I hear it's really taking off, and FABULOUS with a Shepherd's Pie.
4. Candy corns. Need I say more? Really?
5. Crochet! At Assemble, we are bonkers for crochet, obviously, but it's the perfect, productive project (say that five times fast) for a rainy, cold, Fall evening at home. I'm still in the middle of our "wedding afghan" (we've been married for 6 months) but it's still a bunch of fun to work on. Be on the lookout for our crochet kits on the way, or in the meantime, come hang with us!
We want to know your fall faves!