Tuesday, October 16, 2012

DesignMom's '8 Secrets to the Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies'

design mom's perfect chocolate chip cookies with stripey straw
Photo by DesignMom

I began writing a post several weeks ago, discussing how I bake my favorite chocolate chip cookies. I spent a day in the kitchen, photographing the results from different baking pans, amounts of flour, and temperature. I realized my camera was on accidentally on video mode and I wasn't able to capture any usable frames. DARN!

But just this morning, Gabrielle Blair of Designmom posted 8 Secrets to The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie. Her pictures, instructions, and baking tips are exactly how I would do it. So I'm referring all of you bakers to her site for the best cookie tutorial I've seen in a while, so head over there to read all about it!. She even includes troubleshooting photos and remedies!

design mom's perfect chocolate chip cookie batch
Cookies looking more like the thin ones on the left? Add 3/4 cup flour to get the batch on the right!
Photo by DesignMom

I still would like to share a sweet little video I caught while trying to document my original cookie post. Looks like someone was excited about being my kitchen helper!

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