First row: Embrace Pregnancy Journal by Nikki McClure, Assemble Hardcover Bookbinding Kit, Grey Chihuahua Plushy
Second row: Knot & Bow Heart Stickers, Bubblegum Statement Necklace, Party Squirrel Crewel Embroidery Kit
Third row: Pigeon Print, French Rule Stationery Set, Farm Scene Stamp Set
We're happy to announce a sale in our online shop to kick off our brand new, exclusively online status! Please enjoy 20% off in our shop by using the coupon code "SUPPORTSMALL" at checkout. Code is valid through the end of January. We're so excited about the brand new items that we have in stock, including our crafting kits, brand new work by Berkley Illustration and much, much more. Have fun!! And if for some reason you don't see what you're looking for, please send us an email. Thanks! Andie & Emily