1. Granny squares. I know we've chatted a lot about our Granny Square Kit (don't forget they're 20% off through March with the coupon code!), and also the little video that accompanies it, but this time, I'm going off the Assemble color spectrum and attempting to make someone a gift. You would think that nine months would be plenty of time to get this finished, but we'll just have to see. At the moment I have lots of tiny little circles! I'll be working on this at our Craft + Chat too.
2. Fantastic Mr. Fox: the cassette! My mom found a bunch of my old favorite cassette tapes from my childhood hiding in a box over the past year. The Roald Dahl ones are all original narrations by the author himself, and I'm longing for a cassette player so that I can hear them again! I also have The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me. So, perhaps some thrifting for a cassette player?
3. Sunmaid raisins. Speaking of things from childhood, I have rediscovered tiny boxes of Sunmaid raisins. I will be eating this simple pleasure most DEFINITELY.
4. Gone Girl. I have a very hard time reading books lately. My mind wanders to work and I end up absent-mindedly reading 18 pages without having a clue of what I just read. However, this one has definitely grabbed my attention. A mystery about a wife that's gone missing and the unreliable narrator is the suspected husband. It's a good one (so far)!
5. Painting my nails. I take way too many photos of my hands for this blog for them to always look so raggedy. This weekend, I will be painting them with my favorite FACE nude nail polish.
6. Brand new business cards. Okay, this isn't really something that I'm doing, but I'm so excited that we finally have our brand, new business cards with our new address and (finally) my new name. Yippeee, who wants one?? No one? K.
7. Magazines on the iPad! My favorite is definitely Matchbook Magazine, and I'm sure the new Martha should be coming out soon. I will be sitting on the couch, tea in hand, reading the brand new issues.
8. Another little treat: my Great Grandma's crochet hooks. This pretty much goes with #1, but it's a delight to use them and it always makes me happy to think that this was the same hook she might have used to make my baby blanket.
What will you be up to?