Here's what you'll need:
• Two wine corks
• Exacto knife and scissors
• Pencil
• Ink pad(s)
• Sheets of chipboard
• Scrap paper to test out your designs
Here's what to do:
Draw a simple outline of a triangle on the flat side of the wine cork (if the cork isn't completely flat, you can slice a sliver off the bottom to even it out.) Draw some parallel lines on the other.
Carefully carve around the drawn outlines, removing cork in little bits as you go. Test out the image as you carve, and make adjustments as you go.
Once you're happy with your images, play around with inks and patterns on some scrap paper. Then stamp! stamp! stamp! onto sheets of chipboard.
--It's easier to stamp up bigger sheets and then cut it into different shapes, than to work with smaller pieces. It keeps the rhythm of the pattern more consistent and you don't have to worry about edges.
--Cork has lots of natural inconsistencies, so your stamps won't be as pristine as rubber or linoleum. But that is part of it's charm, no?
Sheets stamped. Now what??
Coaster set!
Gift tags!
Take a look at what we came up with:
Make a bookmark for your DIY book with a simple piece of yarn.

Coasters for your carrot juice!
Type a note on your brand, new stationery.
Have fun! And let us see your finished pieces!